Enhancing Your WordPress Backend: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Custom Admin Pages

When it comes to managing a WordPress website, the admin dashboard is your central hub. However, the default setup might not always meet your specific needs. Customizing the admin area can significantly improve your workflow and user experience. In this guide, we will delve into the world of creating custom WordPress admin pages, a crucial aspect of backend development and user interface customization.

Why Customize the WordPress Admin Area?

Customizing the WordPress admin area is more than just aesthetics; it’s about efficiency and usability. By tailoring the backend to your needs, you can streamline your workflow, reduce clutter, and enhance overall productivity. For instance, hiding unnecessary widgets and menu items can make your dashboard less overwhelming, as discussed in detail by WPBeginner.

Tools and Plugins for Creating Custom Admin Pages

Several plugins and tools can help you create custom admin pages without extensive coding knowledge. Here are a few notable ones:

  • Custom Admin Page by BestWebSoft: This plugin allows you to add unlimited custom pages to your admin dashboard. It supports various page builders like TinyMCE, Gutenberg, WPBakery Page Builder, and Divi Builder. You can customize the appearance, set page positions, and choose icons for the sidebar menu. The plugin is compatible with the latest WordPress version and offers detailed documentation and support.
  • Ultimate Dashboard: This tool enables you to create both top-level and sub-menu admin pages. You can use the default WordPress WYSIWYG editor or switch to HTML. Ultimate Dashboard also allows you to add custom CSS, remove page titles and margins, and even restrict access to specific user roles. For more advanced features, the PRO version supports popular page builders like Beaver Builder, Elementor, and Gutenberg.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Custom Admin Pages

Creating custom admin pages involves several steps, which can be broken down into registering the page, defining its content, and customizing its appearance.

Registering the Admin Page

To register an admin page, you typically use the add_menu_page() or add_submenu_page() functions. Here’s a basic example using add_menu_page():

function my_admin_menu() {
        'My Custom Page', // Page title
        'My Custom Page', // Menu title
        'manage_options', // Capability
        'my-custom-page', // Menu slug
        'my_admin_page_content' // Function to display content
add_action('admin_menu', 'my_admin_menu');

function my_admin_page_content() {
    echo '<div class="wrap"><h1>My Custom Admin Page</h1><p>This is my custom admin page.</p></div>';

This code snippet registers a top-level admin page. For sub-level pages, you would use the add_submenu_page() function, as explained in detail by Carl Alexander.

Defining Page Content

The content of your admin page is defined by the function specified in the add_menu_page() or add_submenu_page() call. Here’s an example of how you might create a simple admin page with some content:

function my_admin_page_content() {
    echo '<div class="wrap"><h1>My Custom Admin Page</h1><p>This is my custom admin page.</p></div>';

You can add more complex content, including forms and processing logic, depending on your needs.

Customizing Page Appearance

Customizing the appearance of your admin page involves adding CSS and possibly using page builders. For instance, Ultimate Dashboard allows you to add custom CSS directly from the admin page settings.

/* Example custom CSS */
.admin-page-content {
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
    padding: 20px;

You can also use page builders like Elementor or Beaver Builder to design your admin pages if you’re using a plugin like Ultimate Dashboard.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies

Case Study: Customizing Admin Pages for Client Sites

At Belov Digital Agency, we often customize the WordPress admin area for our clients to make it more user-friendly. For example, we might create custom admin pages for specific settings or documentation that are relevant to the client’s needs. This not only simplifies their workflow but also reduces the learning curve for managing their WordPress site.

Example: Using Kinsta for Hosting and Custom Admin Pages

When hosting with Kinsta, you might want to create custom admin pages to manage specific hosting settings or integrations. For instance, you could create a page that provides easy access to Kinsta’s dashboard and key metrics, streamlining your site management process.

Best Practices for Custom Admin Pages

  • Keep it Simple: Avoid cluttering the admin area with too many custom pages. Ensure each page serves a clear purpose.
  • Use Appropriate Capabilities: Restrict access to custom admin pages based on user roles to maintain security and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Document Your Changes: Keep a record of the changes you make to the admin area, including any custom code or settings. This helps in troubleshooting and maintaining the site over time.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Creating custom WordPress admin pages is a powerful way to enhance your backend experience. Whether you’re using plugins like Custom Admin Page by BestWebSoft or Ultimate Dashboard, or coding your own solutions, the key is to tailor the admin area to your specific needs.

If you’re looking for more advanced customization or need help with your WordPress site, consider reaching out to Belov Digital Agency for expert assistance.

By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you can transform your WordPress admin dashboard into a more efficient and user-friendly workspace. Happy coding

Alex Belov

Alex is a professional web developer and the CEO of our digital agency. WordPress is Alex’s business - and his passion, too. He gladly shares his experience and gives valuable recommendations on how to run a digital business and how to master WordPress.


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