Revolutionizing Theme Development with WordPress Gutenberg

WordPress has taken a significant leap forward with the introduction of Full-Site Editing (FSE) through the Gutenberg block editor. This feature has transformed the way users and developers interact with WordPress, making theme development more accessible and powerful. In this article, we will delve into the world of Full-Site Editing, exploring how to create and customize themes using Gutenberg blocks.

What is Full-Site Editing?

Full-Site Editing is a set of features that allow users to edit and customize every aspect of their WordPress site using blocks. This includes headers, footers, sidebars, and other elements, all within the Gutenberg block editor.

Key Components of Full-Site Editing

Site Editor

The Site Editor is the central tool for Full-Site Editing. It allows users to create and manage their website’s pages, templates, menus, patterns, and template parts. You can access the Site Editor via the “Appearance > Editor” menu or through the “Edit Site” link in the WordPress admin taskbar.

Global Styles

Global Styles is a powerful design system that lets you customize your site’s colors, typography, and layout with ease. This feature is divided into several areas, including Browse Styles, Typography, Colors, Layout, and Blocks. For example, you can manage color palettes, customize typography, and adjust the site’s layout all from within the Global Styles sidebar.

Block Themes

Block themes are a new way to create WordPress themes, leveraging the block-based structure of Gutenberg. These themes are composed entirely of blocks and block patterns, making them more stable and easier to manage compared to legacy themes. Themes like Twenty Twenty-Two and Raft are excellent examples of block themes that support Full-Site Editing.

How to Create a Full-Site Editing Theme


To start creating a Full-Site Editing theme, you need a WordPress site running at least version 5.9. Alternatively, you can use a lower version with the Gutenberg plugin installed and up to date. Additionally, you must use a block theme, such as Twenty Twenty-Two or any other theme that supports FSE.

Setting Up Your Environment

For a seamless experience, it’s recommended to use a staging site or local development environment. This allows you to experiment without affecting your live site. Tools like Kinsta can provide you with a robust hosting environment for your development needs.

Using the Site Editor

  1. Accessing the Site Editor: Navigate to “Appearance > Editor” or use the “Edit Site” link in the WordPress admin taskbar to access the Site Editor.
  2. Understanding the Interface: The Site Editor interface includes several key components:
    • Top Left Corner: Access templates and template parts.
    • Top Bar: Add blocks, toggle editing modes, and undo/redo changes.
    • Top Right Corner: Save changes, preview designs, and access settings.
    • Center: The main editing screen where you can make changes to page templates and work with blocks.

Customizing with Global Styles

  1. Typography: Customize font families, sizes, and styles for text and links.
  2. Colors: Manage color palettes, background colors, text colors, and link colors.
  3. Layout: Adjust the site’s layout to fit your design needs.
  4. Blocks: Customize the design of specific block types.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies

Raft Theme

The Raft theme is an excellent example of a block theme that leverages Full-Site Editing. It offers intuitive block-based functionality, pre-built layouts, and seamless WooCommerce integration. Users can customize headers, footers, and other parts of the theme without needing extensive coding knowledge.

Tove Theme

Tove is another lightweight yet powerful theme that supports Full-Site Editing. It features 40 pre-built block patterns, six header design variations, and seven footer options. This theme is ideal for cafes and restaurants, offering a colorful and engaging user experience.

Benefits for Developers and Users

Reduced Dependence on Front-End Developers

Full-Site Editing empowers site owners to make significant changes to their websites without needing technical expertise. This reduces the dependency on front-end developers, allowing users to customize their sites more independently.

Enhanced Customization

For developers, Full-Site Editing simplifies the process of creating and managing themes. It allows for quicker templating and reduces the need for extensive CSS, making theme development more efficient.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Full-Site Editing through Gutenberg has revolutionized the way we build and customize WordPress themes. With its powerful features like the Site Editor, Global Styles, and block themes, users and developers alike can create stunning websites with ease.

If you’re looking to dive deeper into Full-Site Editing, consider exploring resources like Full Site Editing and Gutenberg Hub. For those interested in hosting solutions to support their development needs, Kinsta is a reliable option.

At Belov Digital Agency, we specialize in WordPress development and can help you leverage Full-Site Editing to its fullest potential. Whether you’re a developer looking to create custom themes or a user seeking to enhance your website’s design, our expertise can guide you through the process. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying updated with the latest tools and features is crucial. By embracing Full-Site Editing, you can unlock new levels of creativity and efficiency in your WordPress projects.

Alex Belov

Alex is a professional web developer and the CEO of our digital agency. WordPress is Alex’s business - and his passion, too. He gladly shares his experience and gives valuable recommendations on how to run a digital business and how to master WordPress.


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