A website’s appearance and functional component (or the balance of an effective user interface and user experience) constitute the face of the company. And web design is responsible for this digital face. To understand...
Your business is in NFT? This market is growing rapidly and shows a promising perspective. Congrats yet? Yes, but not so fast! Now, to get to the top in this tight competition, you need to market your services right. Wel...
Regardless of the field or specification, any company needs a quality structure. This applies not only to the team but also to the style of work. Modern management science has several techniques, approaches, and framewor...
Belov Digital Agency is another name for top-tier web service and the quality to boast about. We know how hard it is to get settled with ordering a website: there are so many options, tons of agencies and freelance...
Branding for Beginners: Table of Contents A brand is the face of your company, and it is extremely important to study all the subtleties of the brand development process in order to maintain a successful company image. L...
New Year – a new update of WordPress – version 5.9 is out! It was a long-awaited update: the release date was postponed before. We all hoped it meant that the WordPress development team led by Matt Mullenweg ...
Whether it’s to increase sales or grow your consumer base, marketing is a core functionality needed for the success of your business. The competition in any market is fierce, with various businesses selling products to...
In the era of the remote working format, online spaces for joint meetings, effective collaboration, and sketching for new products began to gain popularity in many firms. According to users, Miro is considered a shark in...
WordPress plugins are designed to extend the functionality of your website, and live chat is one of them. If you delve a little deeper into the theory of sales and the interaction of organizations between customers, then...
Site owners often view having a staging environment as something excessively precautious if not unnecessary and time-wasting. But that belief usually lives until the first serious issue occurs due to a conflict caused by...
One can hardly work and communicate in the digital world without having heard of Git. And there’s GitHub, too – are they the same thing? What are they, even? Really briefly, Git is a version control system –...
If you are reading this article, you can probably assume the answer to the question in the title is Yes, otherwise we wouldn’t put it out there. “But passwords and sharing seem to be two things that don’t go togeth...
Continuing the topic of low- and no-code, we’re going to review the two most popular things to install for WordPress – Astra and Elementor. Here’s what we’ll discuss with shortcuts to each part: What they are...
Attention people from healthy dieting, fitness and sports industries! We’re happy to announce we’ve launched WP Calorie Calculator Pro – a WordPress plugin that calculates daily calorie intake norms and makes t...
FSE talks have been growing more and more active since 2020. That’s because WordPress has announced that this feature will make it into the new release. The full site editing as a WordPress built-in feature was introdu...