Your business is in NFT? This market is growing rapidly and shows a promising perspective. Congrats yet? Yes, but not so fast! Now, to get to the top in this tight competition, you need to market your services right. Welcome to the NFT Business Marketing Strategy 101!
Since the NFT industry goes hand in hand with the crypto market, most of the recommendations work well for cryptocurrency and other blockchain-related businesses.
So, where do we begin?
1. No time to waste!
We don’t mean to pressure you, of course. But the whole NFT market thrives on hype, which means you need to act fast. Going to launch a service? Do it now while the industry is hot!
Make sure, though, you still take time to plan things. Fast shouldn’t mean completely carefree: just as with any other business, think through things like:
- Which audience you’re targeting
- What exactly you plan to offer
- What will be your competitive advantage
and so on, and so forth. An NFT business marketing plan developed at the beginning is what will keep you on the right track as you grow.
2. Get an NFT marketing website
Right, we recommend getting it done before you launch your service (if there is anything planned aside from the landing site). It will help you in lots of ways:
- You’ll start dragging attention to your service and getting leads interested in it
- Based on the previous one: you’ll get to see a more realistic figure showing how many clients you can anticipate
- People may share some ideas about what they want and don’t want
Besides, having this done, you’re likely to pull the rest of the planned things through faster. Your marketing website will be pushing you, too: pushing to launch ASAP since you’ve already promised the service to the NFT crowd.
What is a good marketing website for an NFT and crypto business?
The greatest websites for businesses in NFT, crypto, or anything related:
- Have modern & tasteful interfaces
Call it cheesy, but those are precisely the adjectives that should describe your soon-to-launch website. You’re about to do business with digital geeks – they surely will make their judgments about your service based on how the website looks and feels. The latter means your design has to be awesome inside out, so to say: from both UI and UX perspectives.
- Convey the message and highlight urgency
Don’t try to make NFT seem like a steady market solid on its feet. It’s not – and that’s what makes NFT flourish. Since there is hype, emphasize it and make the most of it. Make your audience want you now, not tomorrow. The NFT crowd aren’t the ones you can buy with the you’ll-be-rich-in-5-years type of stuff: change it for famous today: now, that’s hot!
- Engage visitors
Your NFT/crypto marketing website can be a simple landing page, a business website, a subscription platform, or even an online store – it all depends on your goals. It can be a great idea to open early signup and offer perks and discounts. Also, some businesses sell membership – consider that, too. And don’t forget to display the activity: people will be more likely to join in if they see that a lot of others already did.
Need help creating your NFT/crypto website?
Our team has built hundreds of awesome websites – we know exactly what makes a great website. In our portfolio, there are various digital businesses and projects: from cryptocurrency startups to the world’s most renowned banks. We’ll be happy to help you with designing and developing your website – we offer turnkey solutions, web design & development as separate services, and design-to-site conversions.
+ Recommendation:
If you’re launching a marketing website, you need to analyze its performance and results. There are hundreds of services that analyze websites from the perspective of various metrics – Google alone has enough to cover all your needs in that regard.
3. Get your NFT service up and running
Now that you’ve started on promotion and gained some attention, time to offer the service that you plan to monetize. Whatever it is – an NFT marketplace, a cryptocurrency exchange point, or anything from that field, make it technologically impeccable. Because your idea, however great it is, needs the appropriate implementation. People simply won’t use the website that has what they need but has it awfully inconvenient.
The recommendations for the online service itself will vary depending on what it is. General advice: keep it clear, up-to-date, and optimized for page speed. Of course, your service has to be functioning perfectly and have excellent performance metrics. And don’t hesitate to contact us with your ideas: we’re always happy to give our helping hand to those building great projects.
4. Find other advertising channels
There are tons of them available, but choose wisely! Needless to say, NFT fans aren’t evenly distributed all over the internet like butter on a roll. While it may be quite fruitful to make a deal with an influencer well known in the community, Facebook marketing will probably bring less – this network’s primary audience is definitely not NFT people, after all.
What do the NFT folks need?
Without going too deep into the market analysis, you’re likely going to target people who:
- Are adventurous and daring
- Tend to make decisions fast
- Not necessarily artistic (change my mind)
Right! Depending on your specific business case, you may deal with artists themselves. But, even though it may not appear absolutely straightforward, that’s not the defining trait of the NFT community. What is, on the other hand, is quick thinking, business decisiveness, and the spirit of an explorer.
How do we get the attention and interest of such people? Here are three key elements that build a perfect site for the NFT/crypto community:
- High-quality visual
- Complex tech made handy
- Ample interactivity
People who are into such – rather complicated – technology as blockchain-related services, don’t need simplification. You can even accentuate the technological aspect in the design – but make this complexity convenient to use. Also, you want your audience to communicate with you: they can bring in ideas, leave valuable feedback, and, what may sound even more appealing to you, get involved more and more with every click. Digital activity is crucial for NFT business marketing because this type of business is 100% an online thing.
Summing it up: if your service is visually attractive, offers users interacting with it conveniently and in various ways, and still keeps the focus around the target action, it will grow successful and profitable.
If you’re looking for an expert team to help you with a web project, we’re ready to help. Team Belov Digital builds highly interactive websites, be it e-commerce or e-learning, and ensures that the user flow leads to the necessary results. Take a look at our portfolio: there, we have complex cross-site search for the EBRD resources, web design and development for e-commerce, web app development, and more projects with diverse functionality. And your NFT/crypto project can be among the best – it’s time to launch it!
Where to advertise NFT services?
You can benefit from all the channels, but not from all the resources. It should be clear enough that a decent YouTube blogger telling about your service will do much more good than a Facebook ad – even the most complex and expensive one. The crypto geeks and NFT fans are just not on Facebook, to begin with – you won’t hit your target there.
– Promotion via your website
You’ve already started on this when you launched your NFT marketing website (you have, didn’t you? Because you should!) – keep going: post content (both promotional and informative), tell more about your service. If you have other digital resources you can use for advertising, you most certainly should.
This one stems directly from the previous point. To attract leads, you first need to get their attention. That means you should work on your search performance and backlink strategy.
– Social media
The Facebook example from above was not to say you should stay away from social networks in general. Even on Facebook, you may very well find people interested in NFT, crypto, and the like – you’re just less likely to succeed in it there. Other resources, though, can be more beneficial: try Telegram, YouTube, Discord – possibilities are endless.
– Ads
More subtle or completely outright – ads still work well when made professionally. Know who you’re planning to reach and what you want them to do – those are the fundamentals of your NFT business marketing strategy.
– Influencer collaboration
If you get an NFT blogger to tell their audience about you, you can get a massive boost of your visitors. To be fair, the boost will be massive only if you find an influencer with a large enough number of followers and – even more importantly – a relevant blog topic. Also, note that such collaborations work better in the long-term perspective. Be confident in the quality of your service and let the bloggers, trusted by their audience, review it honestly – that will build a great brand image.
– Partnership
Yet another form of collaboration with people and companies that can help you gain trust. “If there are big guys that trust you, then you must be good!” – that’s basically the logic behind such things. And, of course, the big guys part is relative to your size and scale: if you’re a small NFT startup, Rarible will probably be not your first partnership call.
– Word-of-mouth
Let the positive word about your service spread across NFT and crypto communities! What people say about you outside the advertising context is crucial for your brand. It can help elevate your business naturally and effectively at the same time.
– Reviews
Feedback is essential for any service. When you’re just getting started, try to provide free access to some (or all) users and ask them for reviews. That way, you’ll get valuable information for yourself and for the future growth of your business, and you’ll have happy clients speaking in your favor. By the way, it’s nice to have feedback and testimonials functionality on your website (not just on Trustpilot and other third-party resources) – having developed quite a few sites with those and other interactive features, we can gladly help you with that. And put the best comments on your website: that will increase trust significantly.
Summing up
NFT audience can be quite tough to please. But having your digital media set up right, you’ll have their hearts and minds and become their favorite brand. Build a detailed marketing strategy, get an NFT marketing website for your business, target your desired audience via all digital channels (but not all sites and platforms), and success won’t be long in coming!
Meanwhile, our team is always there to build awesome things with you. If you need a marketing website for NFT or cryptocurrency projects – or any other services to launch and elevate your digital business, drop us a line – we’re quick to respond and ready to help.